As you will recall, it was reserve police officer and the chief operating officer Mark Vaughan of Vaughan Foods who was declared a hero for stopping the accused suspect from attacking anyone any further.
As far as the twilight language is concerned, perhaps most intriguing is that the Vaughan family crest is three disembodied heads. (This information was conveyed to me by a member of the Vaughan clan overnight, whom I thank.)
The story behind the Vaughan creat involves a tale that syncs with the beheadings.
The above (modern) version of the Vaughan head in their crest was done by artist Tony Barton.
One version of the origin tale for the Vaughans is that the triad of heads "represents a group of Saxon boys being strangled or beheaded - the usual appearance is in a group of three heads." Source.
Something this way wicked comes....
Alton Alexander Nolen definitely appears to have engaged in a copycat beheading, based on his viewing of the ISIS and related beheadings noted often in the media. The "copycat" theme is even being acknowledged by alternative news sites (see here).
Oklahoma beheading suspect Alton Alexander Nolen calls himself “Jah’Keem Yisrael” on his Facebook page, where he uploaded photos of himself reading the Koran and wearing Muslim religious clothing. Source.
Earlier this year, Nolen, whose Facebook 'cover' photo appears to show several Taliban fighters, posted a photo of the 9/11 attacks, writing: 'A future prophecy revelation 18.8. She (the Statue of Liberty) is going into flames. She and anybody who's with her'. Source.
That Liberty Shall Not Perish From the Earth. 1917. Joseph Pennell, illustrator.
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