Captain America: The Winter Soldier opens on April 4, 2014. Remember what happened when the initial Captain America first was released?
All this lead me to ask on July 19, 2012, "What will happen on July 20, 2012?," with that year's upcoming Friday release of The Dark Knight Rises.
We know, now, don't we? The Aurora theater shooting.
Predictions are only helpful if people take precautions. A journalist wrote a Dangerous Minds article later, entitled: "The Copycat Effect: Meet The Man Who Predicted The Aurora Shooting." Nothing has really changed, as far as we can tell.
Certainly, we are in different times here in 2014 than we were in 2012. Newtown/Sandy Hook has taken place. The Boston Marathon bombing occurred. Mass shootings are part of the landscape too frequently. The Fort Hood shooting on April 2, 2014 may have already released the jinn from the bottle. Soldiers. Mass Shootings. Fort Hood & the Bell Name Game. BTW, the film Jinn is being released on 4.4.14, too. The purpose of the movie Jinn is to "introduce the accurate mythological concept of the jinn to western audiences."
Something is already in the air.
Should we expect mass violence this weekend, regarding soldiers, jinn, and shooting sprees? Let's hope not.
April is the cruellest month...
by T.S. Eliot (1888–1965).
From The Waste Land, 1922.
Ozymandias vs Winter Soldier
"My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!"
Percy Bysshe Shelley, Ozymandias, January 11, 1818
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